I Guess I’m “Pretty”

You know when a pretty girl walks by, and you think, wow I love her hair? Or her eyes? Or her body?

But ever wonder what’s goes on in her mind at that moment?

Chances are she is either unaware of the stares, or she notices the stares and becomes self-conscious.

But is becoming self-conscious really a negative thing?

It seems that the world, today, enforces us to be modest. Modest of the different gifts or skills we have in life.

So when we receive a compliment for our hair, we thank the person and tell them “It’s a hassle to manage though.” Because for some reason, being in love with everything about ourselves is not a thing.

And if you are proudly in love with everything about yourself, you’re probably conceited.

Honestly. Beauty is a hard topic to talk about. Because what we do not want to acknowledge, is that this idea of “beauty” was not created by the “beautiful girl.”

The truth is that this idea of “pretty” was conditioned into every girls’ mind. It was never something she came into this world knowing of.

Actually, it was the many different stares, comments, and conversations, that made her realize that somehow she fit in this box. Somehow, with no control of her own, she was “pretty.”

See, all women can relate to being glorified. Because they, in one way or another, can attest to a physical feature they have which has always captivated attention for them, from both men and women.

And realistically, who doesn’t like attention or recognition.

So when she’s a young girl, she falls in love with the attention. She allows herself to entertain this idea of being young and pretty. But as she gets older, she realizes that with this attention comes responsibility.

Not a responsibility to society. Or family. But to herself.

Just like having money, or fame, comes with responsibility. So does beauty.

The thing with attention is that it will always be there, one way or another. If its not beauty, it’s a specific skill. If not a skill, it’s something material. Attention never completely disappears.

But in the end of the day, the goal is never let yourself drown in any kind of attention. But instead, maneuver through life with the acknowledgement of this attention.

My beautiful sisters, start with recognizing your truth. Either it be beauty or brains or fame. Whatever it may be, accept it as a part of your truth. And now, conduct yourself in a way that never shakes you from your truth. No matter how much focus is bought to it.

When you walk into a room, know what comes with your presence. Don’t be modest or shy. Know that this is a part of you but not all of you.

Even when the world may choose to flatter you, know that because it is a truth, its does not require flattery.

Even when a part of you wants to turn cold from being overshadowed for physicality, choose love and kindness to show the true beauty that lies within you.

Walk this life with knowing this truth while sharing the many other magnificent truths you offer.

Never let this idea of beauty become your complete identity but always recognize as a part of your identity.

My father used to tell me, as a young girl, “Preety, you will never be able to control where someone’s eyes or attention wanders but you’ll always be able to control your actions towards it.”

Now I understand.

4 responses to “I Guess I’m “Pretty””

  1. Komal Avatar

    Love this!!!

  2. Veerander Singh Ghotra Avatar

    A very well written idea about the beauty. You have nicely managed to tailor your thoughts into a blog. Being self a father of 11 year old girl, i can well reflect the advice of your father. I wish you all the best with the coming blog topics.

    1. Harp on it. Avatar
      Harp on it.

      I’m glad I can help others relate. Thank you for reading and giving feedback!:)

  3. Arsh Chopra Avatar
    Arsh Chopra

    Hey Harp , thank you for sharing such a beautiful and strong blog. “Why i mentioned strong you will know that soon.

    Thats the truth that woman are judged just by their looks majority of the time in society. They are expected to always look best because that is all people see.

    But you are right , Beauty isn’t really something we humans can control and doesn’t reflect our skills or character if we are beautiful. What about the women who aren’t born with beauty? Society see’s them as less valuable even though their looks have nothing to do with who they are. What about the women who are beautiful but have so many other strengths? We and society shouldn’t focus on genetics and what we look like but on who we are as a person.

    For me It’s much more of a compliment to call someone strong than beautiful because that strength came from experiences and that person had to work to be strong. 🙂 🙂

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