We have all been through to it.
It’s that one extreme transition or change in life that has us questioning if we are ever going to see the end of it.
Some of us only go through it a few times in life and some of us, well, never really stop going through it.
For instance, some are completely mentally prepared to become a mother or father but the idea of marriage literally arouses their biggest fears and anxieties. Then there are some that starting their dream business seems effortless but losing a close friend puts them in the darkest place mentally. Regardless, we all go through it in different areas of our lives.

For me, I lost myself after moving to a city on the other side of the country.
See, the truth is we all handle life pretty well.
Usually, we are surrounded by family or friends, have a home we are comfortable in, and have a job that gives us some kind of financial security. So when our car gives out on us or we have to move to a more affordable apartment, it doesn’t rattle us because we have our other comforts to fall back on.
Unknowingly, our identity and sense of foundation becomes rooted to these different security nets.
So, with time, we build this innate strength and confidence that fully believes in our capability of handling any type of adversity life throws at us.
And now, all of a sudden, it’s being tested. By literally having every area of our current life feel unfamiliar.
At this point, we are forced to make a decision. Do we overcome this challenge or do we go back to our safe zone?
Turns out, outside battles are much more difficult if you are not secure inside. And even if you are secure, some part of you is still always learning, readjusting, and improving.
But what I failed to realize in the first few weeks of moving to LA is that there is a beauty to this unfamiliarity too.
Think about all the aspects we have been trying to improve about ourselves. Or have wanted to completely change about ourselves. Now, it feels like we finally have the chance.
If you feel this major transition coming on in your life, either if it be becoming a parent, starting a new job in a new industry, or anything that has made you question who you are, know that this adversity is requiring you to recognize, redefine, and recreate yourself. The way you always wanted to.
Instead of feeling stuck in the person you are now, let your environment push you to create the patterns and mindset to unleash your most glorious future self. If that be the world’s greatest parent, or the next great entrepreneur in the family.
Ironically, all our comforts in life are ever-changing. Only to make us aware of what requires growth. Because if nothing changed externally, we’d never change internally.
So let’s start over. And see who we end up with.
Because even a little progression in the right direction, can make a major impact on the person you spend the rest of your life with. You.